英国无家可归的年轻人原名:Stacy Dooley: The Young and Homeless,
Last year in the UK 103,000 young people presented themselves as homeless, but the real number is much higher as thousands of teenagers go under the radar by sofa surfing or staying with friends. Filmed over nine months, this film gives a voice to some of society's most vulnerable young people, sensitively sharing their thoughts and concerns and shining a light on their struggl...
里面有个女孩曾经在一个山洞形状的地方扎帐篷过夜 但她说出来的话都很touching很温暖可爱
心疼又敬佩 学会在雨中舞蹈而非苦等暴风雨过去 生活得学会很多 结局光亮是忍不住落泪的温暖
i'm still in a storm 靠着只过了四级的烂英语啃,莫名得到了鼓励,life not good,still go on
讲了四五个人,只有一个男性,代表性不足。 缺乏数据分析和已有政策的评判。 最后是一个上扬性结尾,但是肯定还有很多失败流浪汉案例。所以,不够全面。 本纪录片可以当故事看,但是要是要求高一些,内容还是很不够的。