与摩根·弗里曼探寻我们的故事原名:The Story Of Us With Morgan Freeman,
Morgan Freeman will take viewers on a global journey to meet with people from all cultures whose lives are shaped in surprising ways by different fundamental forces, this time exploring themes that unite us all. Each episode will explore a single fundamental force or topic, including love, belief, power, war and peace, rebellion and *******.
看不到的,不代表没有在发生。 很多时候没有真假,只有利益勾连。
老爷子的资源太好,采访的都是元首和诺奖得主,不过也有弊端,内容太“主流”,论调太积极乐观。E01,the march of *******,**zhengzhifan后代,卢旺达*****者,逃离儿童**的变性人,***** Riot;E02,the fight for peace;E03,the power of love,父母之爱(**尼亚孤儿院一段触目惊心),arranged marriage,#dosomethingfornothing;E04 Us and them,tribalism,Srebrenica genocide(1995年,哎),forgive but not forget,故事都太积极乐观了;E05,“世界警察”的价值,“出柜”要先有柜,乌干达ducai Idi Amin残暴统治,肯尼亚女儿国,money is power and you need to pay,the power of internet;E06, the rebel spirit,hacktivism,Anonymous。