鹦鹉短剧未收录:巨蟒剧团的二十周年原名:Parrot Sketch Not Included: Twenty Years of Monty Python,
原来鹦鹉短剧未收录的意思是,死鹦鹉笑话🈚 最后一幕好笑又难过,六个人最后一次合体只有不到十秒钟,然后史蒂夫马丁关上柜门,查普曼淡出了这个世界🚬 Sad isn't it? Goodnight.
过往段子的**集,包含了**巨*最后一次的全员出镜(影片播出前一个月,Graham Chapman不幸去世)。
可惜唯一一条新演的短剧在放送前被删了,不过结尾出现的一小下里也能看见Chapman很消瘦的样子 ★★★☆
In the autobiography of Monty Python they talk about this show. They did a sketch together which was later cut out, and Graham was very sick at that time. He had to be carried in and out of the studio, and Steve Martin didn´t know he was sick. He was just staring at Graham.