战争与冒险原名:Young Winston,又名邱吉尔的青年时代、伟大的邱吉尔、青年时代的丘吉尔
This historical drama is an account of the early life of British politician Winston Churchill (Simon Ward), including his childhood years, his time as a war correspondent in Africa, and culminating with his first election to Parliament. Written by Matt
丘吉尔成长史,时间跨度大,从年少求学演到**议会。Simon Ward长得还挺像青年丘吉尔,更令人惊讶的是贯穿全片的老年丘吉尔旁白也出自他之口,那口音模仿得惟妙惟肖!配角阵容也相当华丽,一直在数星星……
小時候好呆萌。這樣的父母太可怕了,倒培養WC百折不撓的性格。麻麻後面助攻還是不錯的。這裡說粑粑是得syphilis致死的惹。因為越獄成英雄了。AH演LG,哈哈!“Must we always be ruled by old men? Doesn't every old man in politics betray the wonderful things he believed in when he was young?"
根据丘吉尔自传改编,自嘲是有不少,但是仍不免为尊者讳,尤其是丘吉尔的母亲。结合Churchill and Orwell一书,丘吉尔母亲确实为他早期出人头地的努力帮了大忙。
最爱的片段"during the mop-up operation the next day, I took part in what was destined to become the last full charge ever, of the British cavalry "完全被soldiers of the Queen** 当然还有跑去送信那一段 独自飞奔胡思乱想的感觉