周六夜现场:莉佐原名:Saturday Night Live Lizzo,
Season 47, Episode 18. Lizzo hosts and performs.
Mellisa 扮成司机那段 standup 太搞笑了;黑眼**的sketch 也是笑喷。Bowen 这一集又是刷满存在感呀
太棒了! Black-Eyed Peas; TikTok; Steve's Beanie Babies; Six Flags 整个笑到打滚!
PDD三个同时回答I woke up feeling - anxious! 就很世另我👊👊黑眼**brings back all the good old 2009 feels
opps i got no brain n no b00ty💔 i dont hate the vulgarity of human interest. no brea3t either. (bae when i saw him having this lighting-quick flash of rage showing up on his face, once its in dawas life ppl r talking abt names whichs supposed to be sacred, he got mad instantly, i see that n that sec be the exact 2 i falled in love w him
Big girl Lizzo放得开 总体表现对标billie 比Adele要好 Cecily那几句怒音学Fergie真的好像
Miss thing is a natural!!! 每个sketch都因为有她的加入变得好笑,**** show那么无聊的一个梗被她玩出花了哈哈哈。而且我现在就要听到special上spotify谢谢。