重现:灵魂乐之王的两起死亡事件原名:ReMastered: The Two Killings of Sam Cooke,
An investigation into the circumstances and controversy surrounding Sam Cooke's murder.
Per Mel’s recommendation. 很巧的是Mel刚跟我推荐完 当晚在看Malcolm X时就有change is gonna come背景乐。纪录片整体一般,访谈太多,I don’t know a lot of ‘em people. I think people would enjoy it **** if they know Sam Cooke and other interviewees a little better than me.
..? 文不对题,扁平化的大圣人,这还用你告诉我吗
有点绿皮书内味儿,人物纪录片就应该这样拍啊。看完这几天歌单又不愁了,sam cooke确实是个gifted,但没到大师级别吧,灵魂乐我还是爱Ray Charles,太快乐了~>_<~
“Cause I dont know what's up there beyond the sky, It's been a long, a long time coming, But I know a change gonna come.” Netflix 推荐就看了,Sam 的音乐有一种就在你身边,伸手就能触摸到的快乐。soul music, equal right.