Supernatural horror, based on the eponymous online phenomenon, a ritual conducted in an elevator, in which players attempt to travel to another dimension using a set of rules that can be found online. The story follows Dale, a teenager who discovers that the night his sister disappeared she had played The Elevator ****. Ignoring the many online warnings, Dale resolves to follow...
Supernatural horror, based on the eponymous online phenomenon, a ritual conducted in an elevator, in which players attempt to travel to another dimension using a set of rules that can be found online. The story follows Dale, a teenager who discovers that the night his sister disappeared she had played The Elevator ****. Ignoring the many online warnings, Dale resolves to follow...
电梯游戏正片在线观看 。 更新于,播放来源于云播JY。
电梯游戏正片在线观看。 更新于,播放来源于云播JY。