奥普拉 + 维奥拉:Netflix特别节目原名:Oprah + Viola: A Netflix Special Event,
In this special *****, Oprah Winfrey sits down with actor Viola Davis for an interview about her memoir, "Finding Me."
All courage is, is fear said with prayers.
people always say, try harder, do better, pull yourself up with your bootstraps. but it's hard to do that when you don't have a boot.
Dazzling universe. 我们都是在各自的坐标轴,连接着不同的传送门;“What is it for you to call home. The highlight of career wont be a heaven” 永远不会有个点,是一劳永逸的happily ever after的状态;就像灰姑娘遇到王子后,只是一个新篇章的开始;当然,螺旋上涨的peak to peak的看世界,体验世界总是好的;不能因为没有那个“固定”的固态的幸福,就不去争取你当下想要的 go after what your heart desires - go for what excites you
deprivation、courage! 看完想看她的书
Finding me一直在我的TBR上我却迟迟没有找到一个契机翻开它。这段四十五分钟的访谈像是在提醒我,是时候打开它了。Life is sort of a dying of self… and happiness is a journey, not a destination. Hope we can all find peace and joy in our life.
you have two choices at the point, you can just stay there, and be swallowed, or you can move on, i choose to move on, i didnt want to be swallowed, i wanted to be different.