报告原名:Report,1967年短片类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Bruce Conner执导,
Bruce Conner的电影真的不算conceptual art吗...
about JFK..因爲版權問題只能對有限資料大刀闊斧
Image and sound/text, remix of footage from different sources, repetition and it as a nature of news
Eye Filmmuseum | 图像都在为声音*务…闪得眼睛生疼…
docu + flash + blank and voice 肯尼迪刺杀** ‘contains documentary footage and sound, but the film manipulates that realism through looping and unusual juxtapositions of sound and image, as well as by the use of film leader, found footage, and opaque and transparent film.'