查理的约会原名:His Trysting Place,
Charlie's wife sends him to the store for a baby bottle with milk. Elsewhere, Ambrose offers to post a love letter for a woman in his boarding house. The two men meet at a restaurant and each takes the other's coat by mistake. Charlie's wife thinks he has a lover; Ambrose's believes he has an illegitimate child.
大量有趣且关联叙事的art title。用胡子擦手。 中近景(3'40'')。大量同向毗邻空间的剪辑,人物横向出入画。没有正反打。也很少cut to diff angle。**戏平行剪辑/叙事,最后误会澄清,转怒为喜,似乎要大团圆结局,却又有一个twist,在中景中以接吻结束。
1914-11-9,查理的约会。Charlie's wife sends him to the store for a baby bottle with milk. Elsewhere, Ambrose offers to post a love letter for a woman in his boarding house. The two men meet at a restaurant and each takes the other's coat by mistake. Charlie's wife thinks he has a
查理的约会 His Trysting Place (1914):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV195411W7xH?p=26
keystone comedy,名字已经出现在片头,打闹剧,结构很巧妙,大战一番最后是误会一场,绅士相互握手