九缪斯之星光路原名:나인뮤지스; 그녀들의 서바이벌,又名9 Muses of Star Empire
'9 Muses of Star Empire', a year-long chronicle that follows a journey of an all girl pop group '9 Muses', portrays the every-day life of nine girls, relentlessly pursuing their dreams in a world of jealousy, betrayal, and scandal. '9 Muses' is an emerging girl group, aspiring to perform on a national stage and gain world-wide fame just like millions of others. For that, the gi...
“Nobody treats me as a human being.”“Only one in 10,000 K-pop trainees become stars” 有病的韩国娱乐圈。
the sheer objectification and male gaze in this...
明明排练都挺认真的却总被老板骂 正常人都会崩溃啊。
哎 要用社会进化论来探讨kpop的机制