兽国情鸳原名:The Macomber Affair,
Francis and Margaret Macomber go on safari in East Africa and hire professional big **** hunter Robert Wilson to be their guide. The Macombers marriage is not a happy one and Francis for his part hopes the trip will bring them closer together. When it comes to hunting the animals, Francis isn't very steady and runs away like a frightened child when he's charged by a lion. His w...
巧了5日是派克诞辰,生日快乐呀~看的第二部派克主演的***改编了,儒雅的他演作家还行,但着实不适合威尔森这个角色,Preston的麦康伯倒是挺惊喜。(搞笑的是威尔森的原型—Hem在**雇的白人向导“老爹”菲利普·珀瑟瓦尔看照片其实长得还有点像Preston😝) 电影在Hem作品改编里算是可以的了,至少忠实不瞎删。一开头一结尾有点多余,不过也能理解为了吊观众胃口和符合“价值观”的改动。**动物拍得挺好看