英国最受欢迎的侦探原名:Britain’s Favourite Detective,
ITV is inviting viewers to use their little grey cells as we find out who the country has crowned Britain’s Favourite Detective. Narrated by Sheridan Smith, this one-off TV special will celebrate these legendary characters, counting down the greatest TV sleuths from the last 50 years as voted by the ***** British public. From the infamous Sherlock Holmes, to Line of Duty’s AC-1...
对于每部剧的介绍只能说蜻蜓点水,25部看过17部,福尔摩斯排第一不意外,但是觉得波洛不应该在摩斯之后只排第三,另外福伊尔和詹特利的名次也有些低了。有趣的是介绍到《幻术大师》中Joey Ross扮演者时作为旁白的Sheridan Smith没直接说自己的名字,而是用了yours truly这个表述方式。
介绍了英国人票选的25个侦探剧,第25是丹麦和瑞典**警察探案局,英国美国都有翻拍,第24是realistic snapshot of time and *****,reflected real social issues of the time,whydunnit犯案动机whodunnit,the combinations of detective drams and notalgic history lesson and character study,20世纪60年代北英格兰父子探案,第23是female detective duos,第22是80年代夏威夷侦探剧,动作戏多,第21是JK罗琳写的Strike,第20是80年代双女性探案局,第19是80年代格拉斯哥侦探剧,第18是Foyl